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AirAsia Victims: Stewardess Was Living Her Dream

Written By Unknown on Rabu, 31 Desember 2014 | 18.25

The father of one of the stewardesses on doomed AirAsia Flight QZ8501 has said his "beautiful and smart" daughter was living her dream working for the airline.

Khairunnisa Haidar, known as Nisa, was of the crew on the plane which crashed into the Java Sea on its way from Indonesia to Singapore.

The 22-year-old studied law but is said to have had a change of heart and decided to pursue a career as a flight attendant.

"From the start, we already knew the risks associated with being a stewardess," said her father, Haidar Fauzie.

"She is beautiful and smart. It has always been her dream to fly. We couldn't have stopped her."

Mr Fauzie said he and his wife last saw Nisa six weeks ago when she returned home for a holiday.

One of her most recent Instagram posts is a note pinned to the window of a plane. It reads: "I Love You From 38,000ft".

Coffins of some of the victims have started arriving back in Indonesia but authorities have not named the flight attendant whose body was spotted in the sea.

Details about other members of the crew have also started to emerge.

Oscar Desano, from Jakarta, describes himself on Twitter as: "A Flight Attendant and A Sagittarian who needs to see a Shrink immediately!"

His social media accounts are full of pictures of him and his colleagues.

In a 2011 Facebook post he proudly shows off a picture of his name badge and an image of himself in uniform.

The caption reads: "The new Me."

In March, he posted a message of support for another missing plane, asking people to "pray for Malaysia Airlines flight number MH370".

His cousin, Paris Duarte, posted on Twitter on Wednesday that his family were still holding out hope.

"Tonight we'll be praying together in our Duarte Family House for you @ochanky #KeepUpTheFaith #MiracleHappens."

The wife of a pilot from the AirAsia plane - which crashed on Sunday - has also been speaking and vowed to be strong for her children.

The jet disappeared after Captain Irianto, failed to get permission to fly higher to avoid bad weather.

His wife, Widya Sukarti Putri, said: "I must be strong and tough and I'm here for my children and their future, so I must be strong and open with this situation."

His father said of the pilot: "He is a patient man, always trusted Allah, his behaviour towards his parent as well as to the community around him was good."

As well as the crew, the plane was packed with 155 passengers. Here are some of their stories:

:: Ruth Natalia Puspitasari, her fiance, Bob Hartanto Wijaya, and his parents, Marilyn and William Wijaya

Ms Puspitasari, who would have turned 26 on Monday, was on the flight with her fiance and future parents-in-law for a New Year's holiday.

She called her father, Suyanto, just before she boarded, and she told him excitedly that they planned to celebrate her birthday in Singapore.

She and her fiance reportedly met at Petra Christian University in Surabaya, Indonesia - the same town their ill-fated flight had taken off from.

But after graduating, economics student Ms Puspitasari - from East Java - had moved to Guangzhou, China.

Her fiance, who had studied architecture, stayed behind after becoming co-owner of Eka Toys in his hometown of Malang.

:: Chi Man Choi and daughter Zoe

The British businessman and his two-year-old daughter were among the passengers.

His Singaporean wife and their other child had travelled back to Singapore on an earlier flight, according to Channel News Asia.

They were all believed to be flying to Singapore for New Year's Eve celebrations with his family.

:: Hermanto Tanus, his partner Indahju Liangsih and their sons Nico Giovanni, 17, and nine-year-old Justin Giovanni

In Singapore, student Chiara Natasya Tanus, 15, had been waiting eagerly for a visit from her parents and brothers.

She had not seen her family, who are from Surabaya, since she left for Singapore to pursue her secondary education two months ago.

She told Malaysia's The Star: "My mum called me on the 23rd and told me she would visit me very soon, but then this happened.

"I was so excited. I was looking forward to showing my dormitory to my family and we were planning for a holiday in Singapore."

:: Nanang Priyo Widodo

Mr Widodo, 43, had only been back in Indonesia for one day after a business trip to Malaysia before he left for another one in Singapore.

He had ridden his motorcycle to get to the airport as quickly as possible.

His wife, Warih Aditya, 33, told the Jakarta Post: "He arrived home two days ago from accompanying tourists to Malaysia. He was at home for one day, then had to go with other clients to Singapore."

:: Florentina Maria Widodo

The 26-year-old school teacher from Hwa Chong Institution in Singapore taught biology was affectionately known to family and friends as Tina.

Ms Widodo and her boyfriend Andy Paul Chen were both from the National University of Singapore, and were members in the university's guitar ensemble.

Ms Widodo reportedly graduated from the National Institute of Education last year.

She sat in the seat next to Mr Widodo, but it is not known whether they were related. 

:: Siau Alain Octavianus

His fiancee Louise Sidharta had been at Singapore's Chani Airport waiting for her future husband to return from a family holiday.

She said: "It was supposed to be their last vacation before we got married."

The couple were reportedly planning to wed next May.

18.25 | 0 komentar | Read More

Ebola: NHS Deployments 'Best Way To Protect UK'

Britain's Ebola screening will be reviewed - but the best way to protect the UK from the virus is to send NHS staff to West Africa, the Government's most senior medical adviser has told Sky News.

Chief Medical Officer Professor Dame Sally Davies spoke out after a Scottish nurse was diagnosed with the deadly disease after arriving back from Sierra Leone.

Pauline Cafferkey fell ill hours after she was given the all-clear at Heathrow Airport, despite raising fears about her temperature with officials at the airport.

The public health nurse's experience has prompted questions about the effectiveness of screening measures, with procedures at Heathrow branded "chaotic" by her colleagues.

Asked how the UK's Ebola screening protocols could be improved, Dame Sally told Sky News: "Well clearly the process was not up to what we would like to see.

"It's being reviewed - we review on a rolling basis because it's a new programme.

"But I think when we know significant numbers of healthcare workers are coming into the country we need to have extra staff there and be prepared."

However, she added: "The best way we can protect this country from Ebola is to recognise that these heroes and heroines are going out there, supporting West Africa, to snuff out this epidemic - to get their people well so it doesn't spread here."

Public Health England's Director For Health Protection and Medical Director Paul Cosford confirmed Ms Cafferkey had complained about her temperature but said she was cleared to fly on to Glasgow after repeated tests failed to detect signs of an "unusual" temperature.

Ms Cafferkey was tested seven times altogether - including six times in the space of 30 minutes after raising concerns while waiting for her connecting flight to Scotland.

She took a taxi home from Glasgow Airport but raised the alarm later after developing a fever.

She was initially treated at Glasgow's Gartnavel Hospital before being flown to a specialist unit at the Royal Free Hospital in north London.

Ms Cafferkey is the second Briton to test positive and the first to do so on UK soil after nurse William Pooley, 29, contracted Ebola while volunteering in Sierra Leone in August before getting the all-clear following treatment at the Royal Free.

Dame Sally said she could be given blood plasma donations from Mr Pooley to help her overcome the virus, as the experimental drug ZMapp, which was used to treat him, is not currently available.

Meanwhile, a healthcare worker in Aberdeen who fell ill following her recent return from West Africa has tested negative for the virus, the Scottish Government has confirmed.

The woman was taken ill on Monday while visiting Torridon in the Scottish Highlands and transferred to Aberdeen Royal Infirmary where she underwent tests.

A third patient from Cornwall, who also recently returned from an affected country, tested negative at the Royal Cornwall Hospital in Treliske, Truro.

18.25 | 0 komentar | Read More

Bodies Found In AirAsia Missing Plane Search

Written By Unknown on Selasa, 30 Desember 2014 | 18.25

Bodies Found In AirAsia Missing Plane Search

We use cookies to give you the best experience. If you do nothing we'll assume that it's ok.

At least 40 bodies and wreckage including a plane door and oxygen tanks have been recovered in the search for missing AirAsia Flight QZ8501.

The bodies - which were not wearing life jackets - have been brought on board a navy ship, said Indonesia's National Search and Rescue Director SB Supriyadi. 

Local television broadcast pictures of the bodies floating in the sea.

"The warship Bung Tomo has retrieved 40 bodies and the number is growing. They are very busy now," said a navy spokesman.

They were found in the Java Sea about six miles (10km) from where the plane last communicated with air traffic control.


  1. Gallery: The Search For Missing AirAsia Plane

    Relatives at Surabaya airport weep as they receive news that bodies have been found in the hunt for the missing plane

There were 162 passengers on board, including one British man, Chi Man Choi, and his two-year-old daughter


The search had included 30 ships and 21 aircraft from South Korea, Singapore, Malaysia, Australia and Indonesia


A search and rescue worker loads body bags onto a flight to Kalimantan in Pangkal Pinang, Bangka


A crew member of an Indonesian Maritime Surveillance plane says a prayer. Officials have confirmed debris spotted in the sea was from the plane

Bodies Found In AirAsia Missing Plane Search

We use cookies to give you the best experience. If you do nothing we'll assume that it's ok.

At least 40 bodies and wreckage including a plane door and oxygen tanks have been recovered in the search for missing AirAsia Flight QZ8501.

The bodies - which were not wearing life jackets - have been brought on board a navy ship, said Indonesia's National Search and Rescue Director SB Supriyadi. 

Local television broadcast pictures of the bodies floating in the sea.

"The warship Bung Tomo has retrieved 40 bodies and the number is growing. They are very busy now," said a navy spokesman.

They were found in the Java Sea about six miles (10km) from where the plane last communicated with air traffic control.


  1. Gallery: The Search For Missing AirAsia Plane

    Relatives at Surabaya airport weep as they receive news that bodies have been found in the hunt for the missing plane

There were 162 passengers on board, including one British man, Chi Man Choi, and his two-year-old daughter


The search had included 30 ships and 21 aircraft from South Korea, Singapore, Malaysia, Australia and Indonesia


A search and rescue worker loads body bags onto a flight to Kalimantan in Pangkal Pinang, Bangka


A crew member of an Indonesian Maritime Surveillance plane says a prayer. Officials have confirmed debris spotted in the sea was from the plane


18.25 | 0 komentar | Read More

Ebola Patient Being Treated London Hospital

A nurse who fell ill after returning from Sierra Leone has arrived at a specialist infectious diseases unit in London.

Meanwhile, a second person in Scotland is being tested for Ebola, although the healthcare worker recently returned from West Africa is said to be "at low risk" of having the virus.

It is understood that worker had been staying at a youth hostel at Torridon in the Highlands and was being transferred to Aberdeen Royal Infirmary.

Another patient at the Royal Cornwall Hospital in Truro, has been placed in isolation and is also being tested for Ebola. 

The Scottish nurse who has become the first person diagnosed with Ebola in the UK is receiving specialist medical care at the Royal Free Hospital.

The woman returned to Scotland after a spell working in Sierra Leone and arrived at Glasgow Airport on a British Airways flight at around 11.30pm on Sunday. She was showing no symptoms at the time.


  1. Gallery: Ebola Patient's Route To Glasgow

    Freetown, Sierra Leone to Casablanca, Morocco

Casablanca to Heathrow, UK


Scotland's First Minister Nicola Sturgeon said the risk to the general public is "extremely low to the point of negligible".

Apart from the other passengers on the flight and hospital staff the patient is thought to have had contact with only one other person in Scotland - her partner. All those contacts are being traced and will be closely monitored.

The patient, who had been working with Save The Children at the Ebola Treatment Centre at Kerry Town, Sierra Leone, was admitted to hospital early on Monday after feeling unwell and was placed into isolation at 7.50am. She is in a stable condition.

She was isolated and received treatment in the specialist Brownlee Unit for Infectious Diseases on the Gartnavel Hospital campus, before the operation to move her by plane and RAF ambulance to the Royal Free Hospital in London began in the early hours.

Workers in full protection suits were seen loading her quarantine tent on to an RAF C-130 plane at Glasgow airport soon after a convoy of ambulances and police cars left Gartnavel.

The north London hospital's infectious diseases unit is run by a dedicated team of doctors and laboratory staff and access is restricted to trained medical staff.

A specially designed tent is set up around the patient's bed so the infection can be contained while they are treated.

The unit successfully treated another British nurse, William Pooley, who was flown home from Sierra Leone in August after being diagnosed with Ebola.

Ms Sturgeon has chaired a meeting of the Scottish Government Resilience Committee and has also spoken to Prime Minister David Cameron.

She said: "Our first thoughts at this time must be with the patient diagnosed with Ebola and their friends and family. I wish them a speedy recovery.

"Scotland has been preparing for this possibility from the beginning of the outbreak in West Africa and I am confident that we are well prepared."

The woman travelled home via Casablanca and London Heathrow, spending around six hours in each airport before catching connecting flights.

She was vetted twice, in Sierra Leone and at Heathrow, without any signs of Ebola being detected.

Anyone who was on the Heathrow to Glasgow flight last night is asked to call 08000 858531.

18.25 | 0 komentar | Read More

Tests Don't Mean An Ebola Outbreak Is Imminent

Medical authorities had been expecting a case of Ebola to be diagnosed in the UK by Christmas. They were just a few days out.

The infection control procedures appear to have been followed to the letter.

The nurse sought medical advice by phone when she developed symptoms overnight, a specialist ambulance crew wearing protective equipment put her into quarantine and just one person is thought to have had direct contact with her.

Passengers sitting near her on the flight from London Heathrow to Glasgow on Sunday evening are being contacted.

But this seems to be a precaution - the nurse was not suffering symptoms on board and so wasn't infectious.

The safety-first approach also lies behind the isolation of a second possible case in Scotland, and another in Truro, while they are tested for the virus.

Anyone with a fever who has been to the West African countries affected by the epidemic and may have had contact with the virus is considered a risk.

But the symptoms could also be due to malaria, or indeed flu.

Public Health England figures from 4 December show that 113 patients have been tested for Ebola in similar circumstances over the last few months.

Just one - nurse Will Pooley - was positive.

So there is no reason to panic about a sudden burst of possible Ebola cases.

All it shows is that the medical authorities are being cautious. They won't gamble with public health when it comes to Ebola.

18.25 | 0 komentar | Read More

Xbox And PlayStation Services Hit By Hackers

Written By Unknown on Jumat, 26 Desember 2014 | 18.26

By Charlotte Lomas, Sky News Reporter

Hackers have claimed responsibility for a cyber attack on Sony's PlayStation and Microsoft's Xbox game consoles.

The attack hit gamers on Christmas Day, and some users continued to report problems today.

The hack was claimed by a group called Lizard Squad, while another group, calling itself Finest Squad, said it was trying to get the games back online.

"I have the nation on strings," Lizard Squad wrote on its Twitter site. The group flooded Xbox and PlayStation servers with sustained Denial of Service requests.

"Xbox and PSN have been restored. Give it about 30min to an hour for full service", Finest Squad responded.

But frustrated users took to Twitter to vent their disappointment and anger at Lizard Squad, which also claimed responsibility for attacks on the PlayStation Network and Xbox Live earlier this month.

"Is Microsoft going to reimburse us for the live time that we're missing out on that most of us paid for .. #xboxlivedown #Microsoft," wrote one user.

"PSN has been down for the past 48 Hours, my kids can't enjoy their Christmas present.#ChristmasRuined," wrote another.

Neither Sony nor Microsoft have confirmed the hack. But PlayStation and Xbox confirmed the outages of their networks, adding that they were working to restore the service.

"We're aware that some users are having issues logging into PSN - engineers are investigating," PlayStation said via its Twitter account.

A message on the Xbox Support Twitter account said: "We're aware users are having issues logging into XBL & are actively working to resolve."

The hack meant gamers were unable to play online and also impacted online components of hugely popular games such as Call of Duty, Madden, FIFA and The Sims 4. 

Three Xbox platforms were affected by the service problem: Xbox One, Xbox 360 and Xbox on other devices, Microsoft's status website said.

Lizard Squad had issued a threat at the start of December and describes itself as the "Grinch of Christmas".

It is not clear what Lizard Squad wants or who they are, but some reports suggest the hacking group could be Russian, though this has not been proven.

A link on their Twitter site was originally a Russian-based domain.

The latest trouble for Sony comes after hackers calling themselves the Guardians of Peace broke into the company's internal systems and stole large amounts of data last month.

The hack was reported to be in retaliation for the planned release of The Interview, a film about a fictional plot to kill North Korean leader Kim Jong-Un.

The Sony leak resulted in the release of details about some 40,000 employees, full versions of movies yet to be screened, and highly embarrassing private email exchanges.

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Boxing Day Bargain Hunters Hit High Street

Thousands of people have braved the cold to hit the high street early as stores kick off their Boxing Day sales.

Retailers say big discounts are available - even as a record eight million people shopped online on Christmas Day as some shops started their sales on the internet a day early.

Sky News' Katie Spencer at Selfridges in London said it was "incredibly busy" but noted that a lot of the shopping would likely be done online. 

Shoppers searching for discounts online are expected to spend £748m today, or £519,000 every minute, according to data firm Experian and online retailing trade association IMRG.

An estimated 142 million visits were made to retail websites on Christmas Day and an online survey found that more than a third of Britons buy Christmas presents in the post-Christmas sales.

Experian's Giles Longhurst, said: "This year has seen record breaking online shopping rates, particularly on Black Friday, which saw an astronomical £810m in estimated spend due to the massive resources put behind promotions by a wide range of retailers.

"Traditionally, the Boxing Day sales have been the busiest day for retailers in the UK, but this year we expect them to come second to Black Friday."

Myf Ryan, director of the Westfield shopping centres, said Boxing Day remained a "huge attraction" for shoppers.

"Last year we had queues out of the door on Boxing Day by 5am," he said.

"This year we expect an exceptionally busy day yet again, fuelled by excellent retail offers and special deals with over 50% off by many of our 600 retailers."

But retail staff will also spend much of their time sorting out disputes with consumers returning Christmas presents.

The new retail ombudsman, Dean Dunham, who takes up his new role on 2 January, said he expected thousands of complaints from shoppers who have been refused refunds.

He said: "If the goods are not faulty, the law places no obligations on the retailer so you have to examine their terms and conditions.

"If their terms say the retailer will not accept returns where packaging is damaged or missing, and most terms do, the retailer will be perfectly within their rights to enforce this."

18.26 | 0 komentar | Read More

Queen Uses Speech To Hail UK Ebola Medics

Written By Unknown on Kamis, 25 Desember 2014 | 18.25

By Enda Brady, Sky News Correspondent

The Queen will use her Christmas message to pay tribute to medical staff who have volunteered to fight Ebola in west Africa, saying she has been "deeply touched" by their "selflessness".

Before the speech was broadcast, the Queen attended the traditional church service at Sandringham.

The Duchess of Cornwall did not attend the service on advice from doctors after she "put her back out", Clarence House said.

In her Christmas message, which will be broadcast at 3pm, the Queen will say: "I have been deeply touched this year by the selflessness of aid workers and medical volunteers who have gone abroad to help victims of conflict or of diseases like Ebola, often at great personal risk."

Dozens of British doctors and nurses have travelled to countries like Sierra Leone to help combat the deadly epidemic.

The theme of this year's message is reconciliation and on the 100th anniversary of the Christmas Day truce in the World War One trenches, the Queen also touches on how she felt visiting the ceramic poppies at the Tower of London.

The monarch and the Duke of Edinburgh visited the installation by artist Paul Cummins in October.

She said: "The ceramic poppies at the Tower of London drew millions and the only possible reaction to walking among them was silence.

"For every poppy, a life - and a reminder of the grief of loved ones left behind."

A total of 888,246 ceramic poppies were planted in the moat at the Tower, one for each British and Commonwealth death.

The Queen recorded her message sitting next to a table featuring separate photographs of her grandparents, King George V and Queen Mary.

Also present is an embossed box similar to those sent to soldiers on the frontline in 1914.

The Queen made her first Christmas broadcast in 1952, live on the radio from her study at Sandringham.

Her first televised message came five years later and she has only missed one year, 1969, when she decided the royals had featured enough on TV after an unprecedented documentary.

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Archbishop Calls In Sick For Christmas Sermon

The Archbishop of Canterbury has been forced to cancel his annual Christmas Day sermon after coming down with a heavy cold.

Lambeth Palace said the Most Rev Justin Welby has been suffering from a "severe cold" for several days and decided this morning that he was too unwell to speak at the annual Canterbury Cathedral service.

A Lambeth Palace spokesman said the Archbishop "is suffering from a severe cold and will, with great regret, no longer be preaching the sermon at Canterbury Cathedral this morning.

"The Dean of Canterbury, the Very Rev Robert Willis, will deliver a homily."

The Archbishop had been due to talk about how the true spirit of Christmas cannot be captured in fairytale endings, using the example of the First World War Christmas truce in 1914.

The Archbishop had been due to say: "The truce illustrates something of the heart of Christmas, whereby God sends his Son, that vulnerable sign of peace, to a weary war-torn world.

"The problem is that the way it is told now it seems to end with a 'happy ever after'.

"Of course we like Christmas stories with happy endings: singing carols, swapping photos, shaking hands, sharing chocolate, but the following day the war continued with the same severity.

"Nothing had changed; it was a one-day wonder.

"That is not the world in which we live, truces are rare."

18.25 | 0 komentar | Read More

Black Teen Shot Dead By Police In St Louis

Written By Unknown on Rabu, 24 Desember 2014 | 18.25

A black teenager has been shot dead by a police officer in the same city where the killing of Michael Brown sparked global protests.

The 18-year-old was killed at a Mobil petrol station in the suburb of Berkeley in St Louis, Missouri, on Tuesday night.

Sergeant Brian Schellman, from St Louis County Police, said a police officer was conducting a routine business check at around 11.15pm when he saw two men and approached them.

He said one of the men pulled out a handgun and pointed it at the officer.

Sgt Schellman said: "Fearing for his life, the Berkeley Officer fired several shots, striking the subject, fatally wounding him."

He added that the second suspect fled.

Detectives said they recovered the dead man's weapon at the scene.

A crowd of around 60 people gathered at the scene, where a police cordon was set up around the forecourt.

Video, which is being live-streamed online, showed a wall of police officers, some wearing riot helmets, guarding the scene with bystanders shouting at them in a tense standoff.

Footage showed fireworks or smoke bombs being let off.

A number of people were arrested and there were also reports of people trying to break into local businesses.


  1. Gallery: Shooting Is Close To Where The Michael Brown Killing Sparked Protests

    Black teenager Antonio Martin is shot by a police officer at a petrol station in Berkeley, St Louis

St Louis Police say during a routine check two males approached officers, one of the men pulled a gun

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High Street Sales To Reach £342bn In 2014

By Sean Dilley, Sky News Reporter

Britain's retail sector is celebrating a record-breaking year as official figures are projecting an all-time high for sales in 2014.

The forecast from the Office of National Statistics shows that sales for the year are expected to reach £342bn - a £48bn increase since 2010.

Pre-Christmas sales are up by 5.2% compared with last year.

The Government says the High Street is fighting back with successes not limited to online retailers and big hitters.

Estimates from the Department for Business, Innovation and Skills indicate a record-breaking year for independent and small businesses with £72bn in turnover.

Britain's retail successes have been credited in part to national promotional days like Black Friday and Panic Saturday.

But small businesses have benefited too, with more than £500m being taken across the UK on 6 December, which was dubbed Small Business Saturday.

Sky News spoke with Aylesbury residents Helen and Hannah Meade, a mother and daughter who have been taking advantage of Christmas bargains.

They explained how a modern Christmas is about putting money aside, about spending cleverly and shopping around for the best deal.

"We make a budget for each child," Hannah Meade said.

"And we save for four months ahead of Christmas. This year it's not too bad because I've put money aside to do some shopping for next year in the January sales."

Commenting on the retail figures, Business Minister Matthew Hancock said: "The return of the high street is fantastic news and goes to show that we are on course for prosperity."

Labour however has warned against complacency based on projections.

In a statement, the party said: "Britain's retail sector leads the world in innovation, supports thousands of jobs and we want to see it go from strength to strength.

"But sadly under the Tory-led government, across the board growth has been patchy, unbalanced and unsustainable, benefiting only those at the top."

Christmas debt is certainly a real issue for many. The latest figures from the Bank of England show that unsecured consumer loans, excluding student loans currently stand at £167.9bn.

Of that, credit card debt accounts for £60.83bn in October alone.

Mike O'Connor, chief executive of the debt charity StepChange, told Sky News: "Draw up a budget. How much money have you got coming in, how much can you afford to spend.

"And if you have still got a problem after your budget, you are in debt, go and talk to the people you owe money to, go and talk to the banks, the energy companies because they should help you."

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IS Captures Coalition Pilot Downed By Missile

Islamic State supporters claim the militants have shot down a coalition warplane in Syria and taken the Jordanian pilot captive.

The British-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights monitoring group said the activists say the plane was brought down near Raqqa city, a stronghold of Islamic State fighters in northern Syria.

"We have confirmed reports that IS members took a (non-Syrian) Arab pilot prisoner after shooting his plane down with an anti-aircraft missile near Raqqa city," the monitors said.

The IS in Raqqa published photographs on jihadist websites purporting to show its fighters holding the captured pilot, with a caption identifying him as Jordanian and giving his name.

Several photographs were released, including one showing the pilot, wearing only a white shirt, being carried from water by four men.

Another showed him on land, surrounded by about a dozen armed men.


  1. Gallery: Militants Claim To Have Captured Jordanian Pilot In Syria

    The plane was said to have been brought down near Raqqa city, a stronghold of Islamic State fighters in northern Syria

Several photographs were released, including one showing the pilot, wearing only a white shirt, being carried from water by four men

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Eight Children Stabbed To Death In Cairns

Written By Unknown on Jumat, 19 Desember 2014 | 18.25

Eight children have been found stabbed to death at a house in Cairns, Australia.

The children are reportedly aged between 18 months and 15 years old.

Police were called to a property in the suburb of Manoora following reports of a woman with serious injuries.

During the search of the house the bodies of the children were discovered.

The 34-year-old woman is reportedly the mother of seven of the children. The eighth child is thought to be a family member.

The mother is said to be in a stable condition at a hospital where she is being questioned by police.

Queensland Police Detective Inspector Bruno Asnicar said: "There are no suspects at this point. It's very early days. The woman in hospital is the mother of most of the children.

"I am not able to confirm how the children died."

He added that there was no reason for the public to be concerned and said it was a "tragic, tragic event".

Lisa Thaiday, who said she was the woman's cousin, said another sibling, a 20-year-old man, came home and found his brothers and sisters dead inside the house.

She said: "We're a big family... I just can't believe it."

Cairns Post reporter Scott Forbes, at the scene, told Sky News: "I've spoken to some of the family members and they say the woman, who is the biological mother, actually has more children but the other kids weren't at home at the time. So of the children she does have, eight of them are now dead.

"Many of the people here are actually connected to the family or relatives of the family. They are very shocked. They said they were a happy family and were enthusiastic about Christmas.

"They've said she was a very proud mother who was very protective of her children, so everyone lining the streets here is reeling right now."

The street is in lock down and a crime scene will remain in place for at least another day, police said.

Cairns MP Michael Trout told Sky News the close-knit community was in shock over the "dreadful tragedy".

"How can anyone harm innocent children is on everyone's lips at this moment," he said.

Media outlets reported that the neighbourhood was predominantly inhabited by indigenous Aboriginal Australians, and was known by residents to have a high crime rate.

Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott called the events in Cairns "heartbreaking" and acknowledged that these were "trying days" for Australia.

Queensland premier Campbell Newman said he was "deeply saddened" and "shocked".

"My thoughts and prayers are with the family and friends of those concerned."

The deaths come as Australia is still feeling the shock of the deadly siege in a Sydney cafe earlier this week.

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Pump Prices: Cheap Petrol Comes With A Warning

Tumbling oil prices are resulting in lower petrol costs, but there are warnings the good news for drivers may not last.

With prices falling by more than 40% since June's high of $111 a barrel, there have been an increasing number of reports suggesting petrol prices across the UK could soon fall below £1 per litre - the lowest level since the end of May 2009.

Experts at the RAC believe petrol could fall to 99p a litre next year, while economists at Goldman Sachs also believe petrol could fall close to £1.

But AA president Edmund King insists this possibility remains "remote".

He said: "A 6.6p-a-litre drop in the price of petrol releases a potential £3m-a-day switch of consumer spending from fuel forecourts to other businesses.

"It will also lower the cost of transporting goods, hopefully also to be passed on to customers."

Mr King went on: "However, the parallels with the 2008 crash, albeit that was a market in freefall while this one has been engineered by OPEC and could be stopped any time, carry a warning from the ghost of Christmas past.

"In 2009, a new year brought a new assessment of the market and pump prices started to rise again on January 5."

Analysis by the Office for National Statistics (ONS) also suggests petrol prices are unlikely to fall below £1-a-litre in the coming months.

But while the ONS said the price consumers pay at the pumps for petrol and diesel were "strongly related to the price of crude oil", it highlighted that price changes were "less volatile and the effect of changes in crude oil prices are delayed".

Ian Taylor, chief executive and president of Vitol, the world's largest oil trading company, told Sky News' Ian King Live that although the future was difficult to predict he believes the market "will steady up".

He said: "As you know oil traders are pretty useless at predicting price, but we sort of feel that inevitably at these price levels that several areas of the world will begin to cut back on capex (capital expenditure) and we'll see some reductions in supply and a big transfer of income to the consumers - hopefully lower petrol prices in the UK etc - and that will increase demand.

"We feel at the current prices and with Brent at $60 a barrel we should begin to see some stability, but oil has been a lot lower than this and a lot higher so it's difficult to predict just at this moment - but I do begin to believe the market will begin to steady up."

He added: "It's a pretty big tax cut for every single consumer in the world and it's a huge transfer of income from oil producers to world consumers. It's pretty positive for the UK, Europe and other big consuming countries around the globe."

Petrol pump prices have plunged in the last month with the mid-November to mid-December fall the third biggest in 25 years, according to the AA.

The motoring group said that between mid-November and mid-December UK average petrol prices fell 6.6p to 116.32p a litre.

Only the October-November 2008 fall of 11.5p a litre and the August-September 2006 dip of 7.9p have been greater than the most recent decline.

The AA also said that average diesel prices have fallen 5.27p a litre to 122.16p over the mid-November to mid-December 2014 period.

And the fall does not include the very latest 2p-a-litre petrol reduction by the four biggest supermarkets which took effect on Wednesday.

Currently, south west England has the cheapest petrol, at an average of 116.1p a litre, while East Anglia has the dearest, at 117.1p.

The cheapest diesel is to be found in Northern Ireland, at 121.8p a litre, with the most-expensive in Scotland, at 122.7p a litre.

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PC Neil Doyle Dies After Liverpool Assault

An off-duty police officer has died after an assault in Liverpool in the early hours of the morning, his force has confirmed.

Merseyside Police said they responded at around 3.15am to reports that three men had been attacked near a city centre nightclub.

The men were taken to hospital, where PC Neil Doyle, 36, died a short time later.

The other two men, who are being treated for facial injuries, are also police officers, according to the Liverpool Echo.

The attack happened on Colquitt Street, near the Aloha Club.

Police have launched a murder investigation and the scene has been cordoned off while forensic examinations take place.

PC Doyle was based at the Eaton Road station in the east of the city.

Merseyside Police Federation chairman Peter Singleton said he was "a good cop that any officer would be proud to call a colleague".

He added: "Neil was the kind of officer the police service is built on. This is devastating news."

More follows...

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Sony Cancels Kim Jong-Un Movie After Threats

Written By Unknown on Kamis, 18 Desember 2014 | 18.25

Sony Pictures has cancelled the release of controversial film The Interview, which depicts the fictional assassination of North Korean leader Kim Jong-Un.

The company said the decision was made after major US cinema chains pulled out of showing the film following threats from hackers.

"In light of the decision by the majority of our exhibitors not to show the film The Interview, we have decided not to move forward with the planned 25 December theatrical release," a Sony Pictures statement said.

The studio added it was "deeply saddened at this brazen effort to suppress the distribution of a movie, and in the process do damage to our company".

US investigators have now linked the Sony hacking incident to North Korea and will reveal more details later.

Sony Pictures said it stands by the makers of the $50m film, which tells the fictional story of two journalists recruited by the CIA to assassinate the North Korean leader.

A hacker group calling itself the Guardians of Peace attacked Sony Pictures and released internal emails by senior company executives. 

The group said audiences would face a "bitter fate" and people living close to cinemas showing the film should leave their homes.

"We will clearly show it to you at the very time and places The Interview be shown, including the premiere, how bitter fate those who seek fun in terror should be doomed to," they said.

"Soon all the world will see what an awful movie Sony Pictures Entertainment has made. The world will be full of fear.

"Remember the 11th of September 2001. We recommend you to keep yourself distant from the places at that time. (If your house is nearby, you'd better leave.)"

The Landmark's Sunshine Cinema in New York confirmed earlier that the film's Thursday premiere would not go ahead.

An official at the US Department of Homeland Security (DHS) said there was "no credible intelligence to indicate an active plot against movie theatres within the United States".

However, police in New York and Los Angeles said they were taking the threats "very seriously".

North Korea has publicly denied it was involved in the cyber attack, but it did issue a statement earlier this month describing the hack as a "righteous deed."

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Actors Slam Film Cancellation Of The Interview

Hollywood actors and film-makers have criticised the decision by Sony and cinemas not to show The Interview in the light of hacker threats of violence against movie goers.

The controversial $50m comedy includes the fictional assassination of North Korean leader Kim Jong-Un and US investigators have linked Pyongyang to a cyber attack where sensitive Sony emails were leaked.

Actors Ben Stiller, Steve Carell, Rob Lowe, late-night talk show host Jimmy Kimmel and filmmaker Judd Apatow, all friends of The Interview stars Seth Rogen and James Franco, have hit out at the decision to pull the release.

Lowe, who has a cameo role in the film, accused Hollywood of "caving in" and compared the industry to ex-British prime minister Neville Chamberlain's appeasement of Nazi Germany in the 1930s.

He tweeted: "Wow. Everyone caved. The hackers won. An utter and complete victory for them. Wow.

"Saw @Sethrogen at JFK. Both of us have never seen or heard of anything like this. Hollywood has done Neville Chamberlain proud today."

High-profile producer Judd Apatow, a friend and collaborator of Rogen, said: "I think it is disgraceful that these theaters are not showing The Interview. Will they pull any movie that gets an anonymous threat now?"

Stiller, who directed and starred in 2001's Zoolander, about a male fashion model brainwashed to assassinate a fictional Malaysian prime minister, also tweeted of The Interview cancellation.

He wrote: "Really hard to believe this is the response to a threat to freedom of expression here in America."

Carell, who has starred alongside Rogen in a number of comedies, said on Twitter: "Sad day for creative expression," with the hashtag #feareatsthesoul.

Both Carell and Stiller also tweeted pictures of Charlie Chaplin playing his Adolf Hitler parody in 1940 film The Great Dictator.

Kimmel, also writing on Twitter, called the decision "an un-American act of cowardice that validates terrorist actions and sets a terrifying precedent".

And actor Zach Braff tweeted: "Canceling The Interview seems like a pretty horrible precedent to set."

Actress and campaigner Mia Farrow said on Twitter: "Sony is a disgrace. Sickening."

Former Republican House of Representatives speaker Newt Gingrich said: "No one should kid themselves. With the Sony collapse America has lost its first cyberwar. This is a very very dangerous precedent."

On Wednesday, Sony cancelled the December 25 release, citing the threats of violence at cinemas showing the movie.

Sony said it had no plans to release The Interview on DVD, video-on-demand or online streaming platforms, despite support of the idea from fans on social media.

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Brits Can Bring Foreign Family To UK - Ruling

The European Court of Justice has ruled British citizens should be able to bring non-EU family members into the UK without a travel visa.

It means the UK's borders could be open to large numbers of foreign migrants from outside the European Union, and will intensify pressure on David Cameron to tackle freedom of movement rules.

The landmark ruling centres on the case of Sean McCarthy, who has dual British and Irish citizenship, and his Colombian wife Patricia McCarthy Rodriguez.

Mrs McCarthy Rodriguez, who has two children with her husband - both with British citizenship, had to get a "family permit" every six months to visit the UK with her family.

She and her husband took their case to court under the freedom of movement rules claiming she should be able to travel without the visa because she had an EU Residence Card issued by the Spanish government.

The European court has now ruled in the couple's favour, saying the rules did not allow the British government to stop family members entering the country if they did not have a visa.

The Government said it was "disappointed" with the ruling.

The Prime Minister has come under increasing pressure to take on the EU over the impact of freedom of movement rules on immigration.

Last month he announced a block on EU migrants claiming welfare for the first four years after they arrive in the country, suggesting that if the EU blocked the move he would campaign for Britain to leave the union.

Responding to the European ruling, Conservative MEP Timothy Kirkhope, spokesman on justice and home affairs, said: "Of course the UK should have an immigration system which is fair, and does not disadvantage the right of British citizens to be with their family.

"However, we are disappointed with this judgment as we believe that the UK's visa system is both fair and lawful, and does an important job in meeting this country's migration needs.

"Britain will always be best placed to decide and deal with its own immigration needs - not a judge in Luxembourg."

UKIP MEP and spokesman on immigration Steven Woolfe said: "This ruling extends the so-called 'right to free movement' to millions of people from anywhere in the world who don't have citizenship of any country of the EU.

"This is yet more proof that Britain can never take back control of its borders as long as it remains in the European Union."

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Former UK Soldiers 'Compelled' To Fight IS

Written By Unknown on Rabu, 17 Desember 2014 | 18.25

When confronted with the atrocious truth of the Islamic State death cult's murder videos there is a natural instinct to "do something".

In the case of the British Government, the reflex has led to muddled thinking. In the case of two former British soldiers, it led to the front line.

Both are naïve. But only one of these groups is guaranteeing their own failure.

Jamie Read and James Hughes travelled to Kurdistan and took up arms against IS. They spent a little over three weeks on the front line.

They were interviewed by the police on their return but not, unlike every other group of Britons that has travelled to fight in the Syrian civil war, arrested and charged with terrorism.

Volunteers who have gone to fight against the regime of Bashar al Assad are all deemed to be dangerous terrorists.

Those who fight alongside the Kurds are seen as intelligence assets.

Of course, some of those who choose to fight in Syria do so because they subscribe to the theology of the IS and its global ambitions to enforce a Caliphate.

But other Syrian groups fighting against Assad do not have this agenda. Seen as "moderates", these rebel movements have received funding, training, and non-lethal aid from London and Washington.

Join them, though, and you'll be jailed.

Right now, in Jordan, there is a Military Operations Centre (MoC) staffed by, among others, British and American officers working with Syrian rebels and trying to put together a coherent ground force to exploit the effects of air strikes by the US-led coalition against Islamic State.

It's a bit of a struggle to win the trust of Syria's non-Kurd rebels.

The West has done very little to help them, has not imposed a no-fly zone on the Damascus regime but has bombed the al Nusra Front, probably the most effective rebel group fighting Assad.

Syrian rebel sources have told Sky News that the coalition has "about six months" before they collapse completely and may throw their lot in with Islamic State or al Qaeda affiliate the al Nusra Front.

Meanwhile, a small but steady trickle of volunteers - all of them unpaid - are making their way to the Kurds from the UK and other parts of Europe.

Their motivations are mixed.

Some, Hughes and Read admitted, have a "death wish" and nothing to live for back home. Others, like them, felt a compulsion to do their bit to stop IS, and no doubt others are war junkies, fantasists or downright nutters.

They have, though, managed to do something that their governments have shied away from. They have reached a conclusion about who in this war are the "goodies" and then joined up.

UK and US leaders have not quite figured out who they want to win in Syria.

The Kurds get backing for their plucky defence of their autonomous region.

But Syria's other rebels are a mixed bag, which in terms of UK law, are all being defined as "terrorists" - even the ones that the UK and US are funding.


  1. Gallery: British Pair Joined Fight Against Islamic State

    James Hughes and Jamie Read gave an exclusive interview to Sky News

James Hughes from Worcestershire is a former soldier who served three tours in Afghanistan

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Exclusive: Death Pact Of IS-Fighting Britons

Exclusive: Death Pact Of IS-Fighting Britons

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By Lisa Holland, Foreign Affairs Correspondent

Two Britons who went to Syria to fight IS have told of their battles on the front line - and how they vowed to kill each other rather than get captured.

Jamie Read and James Hughes told how they dodged bullets during chaotic patrols with Kurdish forces after recording a "goodbye" video for their families in case they died.

They described spending hours lying in the "pitch black" in no-man's land, in conditions they said were reminiscent of World War One.

On one occasion, it was so cold that a young Kurdish comrade collapsed with hypothermia - "body-popping" on the ground next to them.

In an exclusive Sky News interview after their return to the UK, the pair also revealed how panic alarms have been installed in their homes, amid fears they could be targets for IS supporters.

They strongly denied being mercenaries, telling how they had sold possessions to fund their flights and had returned to the UK to "mounting debts and bills".

They had not been paid "a penny" for their exploits, though they had been "treated like royalty" by some of the Kurdish troops, the men said.

And the former soldiers gave a detailed account of their time in Iraq and Syria, explaining that they had travelled to fight IS militants because they had "zero tolerance for terrorism".

Describing what had prompted them to travel, Mr Read said the beheading of British aid convoy volunteer Alan Henning had been the final straw.

"Alan Henning - aid worker, British - put him on his hands and knees and cut his head off, you know what I mean," Mr Read said.


  1. Gallery: British Pair Joined Fight Against Islamic State

    James Hughes and Jamie Read gave an exclusive interview to Sky News

James Hughes from Worcestershire is a former soldier who served three tours in Afghanistan


Jamie Read from Lanarkshire, Scotland, spent time training with the French army


He said that he had 'zero tolerance' for terrorism


The men joined Kurdish fighters in Syria battling IS

Exclusive: Death Pact Of IS-Fighting Britons

We use cookies to give you the best experience. If you do nothing we'll assume that it's ok.

By Lisa Holland, Foreign Affairs Correspondent

Two Britons who went to Syria to fight IS have told of their battles on the front line - and how they vowed to kill each other rather than get captured.

Jamie Read and James Hughes told how they dodged bullets during chaotic patrols with Kurdish forces after recording a "goodbye" video for their families in case they died.

They described spending hours lying in the "pitch black" in no-man's land, in conditions they said were reminiscent of World War One.

On one occasion, it was so cold that a young Kurdish comrade collapsed with hypothermia - "body-popping" on the ground next to them.

In an exclusive Sky News interview after their return to the UK, the pair also revealed how panic alarms have been installed in their homes, amid fears they could be targets for IS supporters.

They strongly denied being mercenaries, telling how they had sold possessions to fund their flights and had returned to the UK to "mounting debts and bills".

They had not been paid "a penny" for their exploits, though they had been "treated like royalty" by some of the Kurdish troops, the men said.

And the former soldiers gave a detailed account of their time in Iraq and Syria, explaining that they had travelled to fight IS militants because they had "zero tolerance for terrorism".

Describing what had prompted them to travel, Mr Read said the beheading of British aid convoy volunteer Alan Henning had been the final straw.

"Alan Henning - aid worker, British - put him on his hands and knees and cut his head off, you know what I mean," Mr Read said.


  1. Gallery: British Pair Joined Fight Against Islamic State

    James Hughes and Jamie Read gave an exclusive interview to Sky News

James Hughes from Worcestershire is a former soldier who served three tours in Afghanistan


Jamie Read from Lanarkshire, Scotland, spent time training with the French army


He said that he had 'zero tolerance' for terrorism


The men joined Kurdish fighters in Syria battling IS


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